Sunday, 15 May 2011

Inner Monologue of a Call Center Guy

I got a call today from someone telling me I'd won a trip to Spain for 3 weeks. I doubted it and hung up. Here is what I believe goes on his mind on a regular day. The picture below is what I imagine he looks like and not necessarily what he did look like.

Ahhhhh shit, another lame-ass day telling people a bunch of bullshit that I wish was true. It doesn't help that I have to drive 10 miles to get to this fucking job. Well, I best get on the road, I sure hope I've managed to pay my car insurance this month or this Nissan Micra's going to the scrapheap. I shouldn't have spent my weekly wage on this fake-ass suit. Can people tell I got this from Wal-mart? Oh god, I better make a joke about it to see if its socially acceptable when I get into work. Whoa, look at that Ferrari, I bet that guy has a business. He's definitely sad though, I bet he buys shit like that to make himself think hes happy, I have a much better life than that asshole. Who am I kidding, my life is shit and I'd fucking that love that car. Oh looks like I've arrived in hell again, best get in before the boss thinks I've been masturbating my life away in this car, which I have...

Ah shit here's the boss, please ignore me,  please ignore me,  please ignore me.  Ah fuck here goes his rant again. Why does he think he's better than everyone else, hes only earning a quarter more than I do. I best say something to put him in his place. 

"Okay boss, ill get straight to work"

What the fuck was that, are you fucking Harrison Ford? Stop being such a pussy. Well, I best do what I've said, I have a job to get on with. At least I can sit next to my workmate Tyler. 

"Sup Tyler, hey dude could you imagine if someone got their suit from Wal-mart, haha who would even do that"

Nice way to slip that in there. Good job he didn't reply, I might be more self conscious than I already am that way. Damn this headpiece makes me look like a grade A douche-bag. Shit this coffee is good i wonder if the person picking the coffee beans earns more than I do? Probably. Best get on and ring some people then and offer them false promises, like my mom used to do when I was a child. Please don't hang up for the love of Christ I need this bonus, my one bedroom flat needs redecorating and welfare wont cover it. Holy Shit they answered, crap I've never got this far before, how do I handle this?!

"Hello! I'm here to inform you that you've won a holiday to Spain! This is becau-"

What the fuck does you mean no thank you. How often do you fucking get a chance to go on holiday to Spain for free! Don't even hang up on me. Fuck.

Ugh, thank god it's the end of the day. Now I can go back home and watch sports on TV and drink myself into an absolute state over how rich they are and how I'm only getting minimum wage and have only had 1 girlfriend in my life. Maybe I could call myself and get a free holiday to Spain, pick up some sluts and contemplate life's toughest questions such as, who would win in a fight, an eagle or a snake. My guess would be an eagle cause they're fucking bad-ass. Well I best get to bed, I have the same thing tomorrow and for the rest of my life.

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