Sunday, 15 May 2011

15th May 2011

This is my second post for the day! Remind me not to get addicted. I think Sunday is my favorite day. All you do is sleep, watch TV, and then at the end you get Sunday roast. We had chicken today, I ate it in about 10 minutes. I gobbled that shit down like Paris Hilton, except I'm a guy and shes a slut...
I'm not highly religious, so I don't go to church, I don't think people see it as such a big deal in England than in America, I don't know why. I bought new body spray today and on the package it said that the fragrance was 'Fire'. It led me to believe that it smelt like a fire would smell, which didn't seem a too attractive prospect. I bought it anyway. I got home and used it and I can't really describe the smell, but its definitely not fire. This got me thinking on what fire actually smelt like, so I lit my lighter and proceeded to sniff at the flame. It doesn't smell of anything. Bullshit Lynx. I watched the film 2012 today and it took me by surprise at what they think will happen on the 21st of December 2012. I think that my favorite prediction is that all the animals that need saving will be transported across Russia in helicopters. For example:

If I ever saw this I don't think I'd mind dying. That's amazing! Even though I don't think the world will end. They say it is because the Mayan calender doesn't continue past that date. To me it is fairly obvious that the dude writing the calender out, died because he dedicated his whole life to writing it! If anything we should be celebrating that guys achievements in life by at least having 4 days off and eating a fuck load of fried chicken.
Also i bought a ukulele today, somewhere along the line this will help me get laid. Peace X

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